Home Visit Booklet

Featuring the Bricklin/Elliot Home-Visit Booklet
Barry Bricklin, Ph.D. and Gail elliot, Ph.D.

At last: A comprehensive, well-organized guide for conducting a Home-Visit (also known as Home-Study); a necessity for an evaluation to be truly complete. (A large number of judges require a Home-Visit assessment in many different types of cases involving children.)

Each Home-Visit Booklet contains a step-by-step fill-in guide that ensures the clinician does not miss any of the critical parts of a Home-Visit evaluation.

There are special detailed sections on room-by-room safety, general home safety, neighborhood safety, plus a checklist of life-style issues like homework space, sleeping arrangements, daycare issues - plus many more. 

The Instruction Booklet contains a comprehensive, up-to-date guide for evaluating one of the most problematic of issues for the custody evaluator---WHEN THE PRIMARY CUSTODIAL PARENT SEEKS TO RELOCATE WITH THE CHILD.

Each 56 page Home-Visit Booklet contains individual fill-in sections for every room and every area that must be covered for the evaluation. Each booklet is spiraled so that it can easily be folded in half. This places a note-taking page in an easy to use position, on the opposite side of a checklist page.

The Home-Visit Booklet has been designed as a self-contained unit, able to carry the clinician through the complete evaluation.


The Home-Visit Starting Kit (VP114-SK) contains:


  • Home-Visit Booklets
  • Home-Visit Directions 
  • Update service and author contact number 


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