Summary of PPCP Uses
1. The PPCP provides a way to gather
and organize a parent's stated perceptions of his or her child in a wide
variety of critical life-situations.
2. The PPCP, when Evaluator-administered,
affords a parent the opportunity to express attitudes and feelings toward
just about every facet of the child's life.
3. The PPCP provides a framework
for the Evaluator to assess the accuracy with which a parent perceives
a child. (Four are discussed in the PPCP DIRECTIONS.)
4. A main use of the PPCP
is to compare the responses of selected respondents, e.g., the two parents.
Comparisons can be made in several ways, including accuracy and depth
of knowledge in any given life area, especially one (or several)
deemed critical to a particular child, and the feelings and attitudes
Another important comparison
can be made when it is suspected that a separated or divorced parent
is attempting to gain extended custody not out of genuine interest,
but because his or her own parent, the child's grandparent, wants more
time with the child. In these situations, one is typically dealing with
a parent who picks up the child for his or her visit, and delivers the
child immediately to some other caretaker (usually the grandparent,
but it may be a girlfriend or a childless babysitter who likes being
with the child).
Administering the PPCP to the
suspected real caretaker will show a performance on this person's part vastly
superior to that of the secretely disinterested parent.
Another creative use would
be in a situation where one parent claims that either a babysitter (or
a companion) with the other parent is not a good caretaker. The PPCP can
be used to forge a win-win solution, by either disproving the allegation
or at the very last red-flagging areas of weakness which can be strengthened.